Monday, February 13, 2012

My Only Valentine...

This is to you, the one that can never be anything but what you are. My everything. It has taken us countless millenia to learn this love. It will take us countless more. You bring to me all of those things, all of those good things that hide in the shadows of our reality. And at the same time, you bring me close to the demons that mock us in the open. We ask how is it possible to know a love so clean and pure. And furthermore, how is it that two people in this kind of love can possibly be separate.

How is it that this can happen while the angels sit and watch? Watch us feeling for an invisible hand who's only identity is pictures and typed words. Watch us sit where we sit and go where we go always thinking of the other in some fashion or another, knowing that we long for the embrace of each other. Longing for that touch just as the starving leaf in the dessert longs for that one drop of water. Wishing constantly that somehow, someway, at sometime this thirst will be fulfilled. We sit...

we sit...

we sit some more.

And as I sit I realize...

I realize that this, whatever 'this' is should have never happened. Up until this point in my life, nothing like this has ever happened. Something this profound. Something this...perfect.

A side of me tells me that what I think is happening isn't happening. Then the other side whispers, "but I can make it happen!" I'm here to tell you that I'm here to make it happen. I want to be with you one day holding hands while walking...eating ice cream cones on the dinner every day and taking the kids to the park every week. If I can but live side by side with you every day of my life, I know we will have the lives we both dream about. Who else better to build a life with but the one who understands you. The one that will be there no matter what happens because we both know we are learning and growing together. Your battles are my battles. Your hunger is my hunger. Your happiness is my happiness & your love is my love.

On this day of love, I revel in my dedication to you. From the first day I experienced your energy, I knew I wanted to spend my last day in your arms. You are my true love. You are my only Valentine. We have a long road...this is only the beginning. We are off to a good start with this love and we will finish strong...I promise

Make sure to read the video description <3

Friday, November 11, 2011

God Did It!

Have you ever had that feeling that you don't really have any control over what happens?

I laugh every time I think about it.

These last few months I have undergone a transformation. Through this transformation I've gained the gift of understanding.

It is the understanding that there is something we can't see, that controls everything we do see.
I thought about it like this...
if everything that happens, happens for a reason, then doesn't that mean that
everything happens for a reason[!!]

 hold on!

Once again, don't try to think about it.

Try to feel it out...

Every time you wake up late, early, or on time...

meant to happen.
Every conversation or argument you've ever been in...
Every time you've smashed a finger, been bruised, cut, scratched or scraped, guess what...
meant to happen.

It even applies to things that seem to have no ripple effect at all.
That is, no consequence.
The things that seem very, very, very unimportant.

Every twig you've ever stepped on,
every person you've ever looked at,
every word you've ever spoken,
and every word you've ever read, even these ones...

And not meant to happen as in, it's part of destiny and there's some big omnipotent puppet master that controls our actions, no.

I mean, meant to happen in a sense that everything that we've experienced is ultimately
beyond our control.
In the sense that there is something else inside of the atoms that make up matter.
A kind of God or consciousness factor that has been recently proven through experiments conducted in the field of psychoNOETICS.

I bet you didn't know that you would be where you are right now
this time last week. [?]
Reading this blog
at this moment. [?!]

But chances are,
there's some reason that you need this,
for some future purpose
that is most likely unknown at this time...
Greater chances are,
that this purpose is far from your own...

Just like the others reading this
and the others that will read it.

You are all meant to.

And here's the funny thing...
We can never really know the reason why anything that happens is happening,
while it's happening.

Of course we may find out some day, but the fact still remains that
We don't know the future[!!]
And most of all we don't even know if the future exists!
We always pray that were doing the right thing.
We always hope that this present moment
transpires into another present moment, and that this process continues
as it has been doing.

But the reality of the situation is...
We'll never know what's going to happen next.
No matter how much we try to steer it...we're riding in a car that has a mind of it's own!
A car that has it's own destination and just wants us to enjoy the ride.
Yea we can grab the wheel, take the next exit to the nearest raceway and have a little fun,
but when it has to get back on the road, the car will not ask twice.

So the very next time something happens that you don't quite understand...
and the car drives you somewhere that you don't really want to be,
leave it to God!
why not!

Kick your feet up, and watch the fireworks!
Don't fear the unexplainable.
Don't let your judgment of good & bad, right & wrong, or positive & negative determine how a situation makes you feel.
Besides, unhappy people taught you these judgments anyway!

I promise, as long as you don't try to steer by yourself...
everything will work itself out just how you want it.
Even if the car seems like its headed for a cliff...
Trust it and hit the gas harder!
Only those who panic and try to steer away from the cliff in anger and confusion end up falling over.

Because this is usually the point
where the car turns into a fighter jet
and takes off, never to see the ground again.

So remember in every uncomfortable place...
Just be happy and love the current moment with all your heart and soul...

be you.

That's all you ever can do,
just be.

prepare for evolution...

~Falling Snow

A take on heaven:.

Love, union, harmony…
But rhythm is most important.
Always back forth back forth,
Up down up down,
You always notice when she’s up.
She always loves it when she’s down.
You know she’ll always take it up.
So you love it when she’s down.
But its too much when she’s down so you make her take it up.
Up is never down,
And down is never up.
Damn snap out of it…
But it is what keeps us here,
It is what shows us the true nature of life…
Ups and downs…
With the slopes so,
Like riding on a cloud of light and the only feeling is
Each other.
Everything else fades into the shadows of the unreal.
It is real, it always is…
We were put here to understand it,
To come into it.
By seeking it we are seeking each other.
It allows us to show each other truth.
A truth that we will never be able to put into words…
Whenever we try to put it into words we fail.

All I know is that two are required.
Two energies
Two directions
Two opposites
Two people
Light and dark
Hot and cold
Yin and yang

Because you can never stay in it.
But you can always keep it in you.
Hold it there in that spot,
And when it moves…
God forbid it ever moves,
But it will, and when it does always put it back in that one spot.
You love it and you love where its at.

It may be the only thing that keeps us together.
When we’re in that…
When we’re in that dark place…
When we’re in that dark place together…

Only it can lead us back into the light.
We must continue to build that light,
Build that speed.
Build that rhythm,

And the harmony is accompanied by the love…
And the love is carried by the union.

One pushes and one pulls,
Balance is nature.
Balance is natural.
It is balance.
It is natural.

So many lose it to their minds…
So many more lose it to their bodies…

This is a reminder to keep it in your spirit.
But never cherish it…
It will always be there,
And it will always be there when you need it.
Trust in it and let it guide you.

It is the guardian of procreation
And keeper of Innocence…

It is a currency more valuable than the world itself.
It is your protection…
Use it and use it with your heart…

Let it free you into yourself.
Let it free you into heaven.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


How did I know where I was going.
The darkness never stopped me,
Noises and voices would tell me it wasn’t possible.
But I found it…Heaven.
I found her, the siren of my hearts soul
With her call so profound,
And yet no one could hear it but I…
The chosen one to carry our destinies
To the throne of happiness.
And I promise I will do it well.
May not the evilest dark force
Think for a second that God isn’t with us,
And if so it has failed itself.
For it will be blinded by the light
Of our untamed glory….

I will write and run and write and run,
Stopping only to drink of her fruits
So sweet, innocent…


Charming is the way of her scent
And endearing is the way of her heart.
I know because I’m there…

The place that I have always been,
Rummaging around in the dark.
Listening but never hearing…

Feeling but never seeing.
I may cause pain in that darkness so
I owe this to her to bring myself away from the shadows
And into her blood,
Where all magic is found
And all desire is manifested.
My only fear is that I will continue
This journey forever…
Night and day
Day and night
Night and day,
For the infinity of time will never outlast the road
Of our togetherness,
With all its turns and delights.
Never in purgatory,
Never the same
Always evolving
Always new
Never old,
But forever youthful in its nature…
Eccentric in its touch
And everlasting in its kiss.
The sensual wonder of its divinity
Always tested,
But everyone knows…
It never ever fails,
Because of one simple thing.
Our hearts beat as one
And our spirits understand each other.
Forever mixing,
Forever growing…
Never running…
Never running out of time…
Never running out of time for each other….

And as for the writing and running,
The writing and running,
The writing and running will never stop
But will drip and trickle
Into the hearts of those
Who want to know and the
Lucky few who do know…
True Love.
I am in her and she is over me,
Together we are it.
The Lightspeed of language,
The conscious battle of
The future,
And the constitution of space…

Mother and father
Of our bond,
Brother and sister
Of our world,
In a vortex of pink
May we forever live in the
Maze of our unforgettable contrast.

Lovers of an undying edification,
Taking solace in its intelligence,
And holding each other in its Peace.
Open in its unconditional Love.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to be infinite 101

how to be infinite 101: STOP CARING

Being infinite is learning how to silence your stupid brain and connecting to the inner you...the [infinite] you. Have you ever heard that voice that says "i'll look stupid" or "i don't think i can do that" coming from in your head?? Self-destructive right...lolzz! Where do you think [style] and [swaggg] come from[??] obviously not the little voice!...besides, the [infinite] you doesn't talk all that much anyway, "it" tends to lean more towards influencing [emotions] and [feelings]. So I guess the big question is..."are my feelings alwayz right??" Yess, but only your TRUE feelings. Then I guess the next question is..."how do I know the real emotions from the fake??" That's when I would say, get to know the inner you...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The relationship between Love & Now...

I'm about to test how deep you think you are.

Stop to think for a second...

Think about this moment, or more correctly,
these passing moments...

Now think about the moments that have past...

Which is more important[??]
Obvious right

Ok...think about right now again...

Now think about the future...

Which is more important[??]

This may not be that easy to answer for some...

Due to the constant identity crisis between
our true selves and what I like to call
our ego unit...

Which do you think you are?

Here's a simple test to see
who has more control.

One question:
Do you think your next happiest moment exists in the future?

If the answer to this question is anything other than
then I'm quite sorry my friend,
you are walking around with a very dark blindfold on...

You have been infected with the disease
that is
eternal sadness...

I'm about to say something that you've probably never ever even thought about before.

Nothing is ever wrong with the present moment,
only where it came from or what you think will become of it...

Hold on now,
take some time to feel it out...

It's not something you can really
understand with your thinking mind
and here's why.
You have been brain washed without knowing it!
You have been programmed to be unhappy.

Every since you were small, you've watched people pursue,
and by default you were taught to do the same...

But also try to understand this.

At some point in time someone said,
"I want to be happy."
So they set a goal to reach.
And when they attain this goal,
They'll be happy right?
They experience the happiness for a short
period, then guess what...
They set another goal.
This is what I call
Perpetual Nothingness...
An endless cycle of wanting.

And of course there is nothing wrong with wanting.
It is wanting itself that allows us to move and do things.

It gives us purpose and simultaneously
makes us feel imperfect.

And if gone unchecked...
it can cause us to want for things we don't need like:
Think about it...
you don't reeaally want to do any of those things.

But piggy backing off of other wants,
they're bound to make their presence known
at some time or another.

Because, who wants to feel imperfect...

as you sit here
reading this page,
you're probably like

"Yea I would like to be perfect,"

which is probably
followed closely by...

"...but that's impossible"
That after-thought was created
by your EGO-UNIT...

I told you it was out of control! LOL!
You know why it happens like that?

Because it is not you that is imperfect...
it's the EGO trying to make you believe it.
That's why after doing something the EGO wants you to do,
you always have this feeling that you shouldn't have done it.

You are it's only link to survival though.
Without you,
the EGO will die!
Now here's the funny thing...
You've probably experienced
the feeling of perfection before.



Think haaardeeer...


Never thought about it like that before huh?!

Love = Perfection

When was the last time you felt a deep
LOVE for someone[??]
The last time just being with that someone made you feel complete?
You probably feel it right now...

Do you know why you felt this way[??]

Most don't, so let me help you out...
Remember what I said earlier about wanting and unhappiness?
Well guess what...


There can be no worry in the midst of love
for that reason and that reason only.

Whatever this thing we call love is,
does not exist where time exists...
so to experience it we have to temporarily
leave the place where we exist,
which is where time is,
and enter another dimension...

This is God's house.
This is where we all come from.
This is what heaven is.
And while your spirit knows this,
you're mind is probably blown away by this realization.
If you're a smart person, you probably figured out that
I've just claimed that you can experience heaven on earth.

Could I be right[??]

Duh I'm right!
Why do you think my homeboy Jesus said,
"The kingdom is now"?
Better yet!
Why do you think people in this physical world
will keep seeking relationships over and over
and over
and over

and over
and over
and over

and over
and over
and over

forever and EVER...
It's the lazy man's guide to experiencing infinity.
We have a problem!
Did I say lazy man?!
This is why
of all relationships
end up going

It's the EGO trying to seek something to make it feel above everyone else...
"Look at me, look at me, I'm in love"

It values what it thinks others can't have,
so it in turn uses what other egos value to make its
own "egoic" image look better...

It only cares about itself

This is the origin of the expression:


concerned primarily with one's own
interests, benefits, welfare, etc.,
regardless of others.

Now imagine a world where everyone is only out for their own "egoic" purposes...

Wake up in the morning...

thinking of themselves

going to work...

thinking of themselves

buying big houses...

thinking of themselves

buying fast cars...

thinking of themselves

and wouldn't you believe it

falling in love,




Sorry to pull you out of the Matrix
but the mind has to realize this
sooner or later...

This is the difference between Lust and love.
Lust is a temporary wanting for something that you think is making you look better.
It doesn't appreciate.
Once the physical shell no longer serves the egos purpose,
it is left empty and can be thrown aside at any passing moment.
Love on the other hand, does not judge.
Simple as that.

It appreciates.
It sees no wrong.
It doesn't compare.
It sees no past.
It sees no future.

and most of all...

It never ever cares,

so that means

It always loves
no matter what

You can never feel negative toward a person you love:

If a person you truly love
i mean,
love forever until you die,
were to cut your arm with a knife,
your only objective would be to understand why that person did what they did,
regardless of why they did it.
You would be selfless.
The moment afterward,
you would only have experienced the previous moment
with a dream-like mind,
forgetting what and why exactly the situation happened,
but knowing that something has to be resolved...

This is infinity...

this is timless...

It knows nothing but now and only now

Imagine if you could live your
whole entire life loving
not judging and
always seeing the good
within everything around you...
handling situations as they come
setting goals but realizing that
they don't make who you are
and that they're just something to do
while you're here, while knowing
that your main goal of
overall peace and wellbeing
is fulfilled within itself,
never depending on outside sources...

Just by reading this page
I've been able to take your mind there
where all things are possible
and nothing is ever too big or too small,
where everything is just right,
because you always have your eyes on that perfect ending
and you know that you'll get there no matter what you have to do
or who you have to do it with...

This new experience of


I have bestowed upon your consciousness
should be explored and never put back on the shelf...

Getting to know this nowness
is what will bring you closer to everlasting happiness
closer to yourself,
closer to everyone and everything around you,
closer to God,
most of all
closer to

If you aren't ready for NOW...
you aren't ready for LOVE.



Prepare for evolution
zay from Team Pocketz

Team Pocketz